Smart QR code generator for brands & agencies

One QR code. Many Experiences!

Your wishlist for QR code marketing? We answered it.

Most marketing people will tell you that they tried QR code marketing and it was a disaster. That is no surprise to us! Here is how Smart QR codes change the game

Location based innovation

Start delivering more innovation by delivering different content depending on the GPS location of the person scanning! Your imagination is the limit here.

Our awesome features
Time sensitive campaigns

Promote both the lead up, prime time and close for your special offers, competitions and events. No more missed opportunities. Smart QR codes deliver specific content based on the timings of your campaigns & events

Our awesome features
Support all the languages

No more worrying or struggling with language issues! Each individual Smart QR code supports as many languages as you do.

Our awesome features
Combine it all!

Combine language, time and location targeting to deliver truly engaging content to your customers....all using a single smart QR code!

Our awesome features

Stop using QR codes for marketing which...

send customers to pages in a language they do not speak

make customers miss out on special offers and promotions

provide the exact same experience wherever your customer is

just send all customers to the same landing page and content

Start creating smart QR codes!

Schedule a call with us and upgrade your QR codes to treat your customers to the experiences that they deserve!

Learn from your customers in real time...

Smart QR codes capture GDPR compliant real time engagement data to deliver smart actionable customer insights

Deep Customer Engagement data at your fingertips

Dive into the the data! The engagement data from each scan is available and easily filterable. Filter the data to find exactly what you need and then export it easily to use it in any of your other programs.

Understand customer trends using our real time dashboards

Measure customer engagement as it happens! Our dashboards will show you how your QR codes are trending in real time. Update your Smart QR codes and see the results of your changes instantly!

Smart QR analytics

Benefits for your business

Highly engaged customers

Personalised in-context product and marketing experiences increase the engagement level of your customers with your brand or agency!

Update any time!

Made a mistake? Content will be ready later on? Realised that killer new angle during the campaign? No problem, just update it in the software in a few clicks!

Increase brand value & loyalty

Interact with your customers wherever they are, even at home, and keep learning from their behaviour to deliver the best brand experience possible.

Experimentation & AB Testing

Our Smart QR codes deliver content with targeting built in! This makes A/B testing easy with instant impact and results.

GS1 standards compliant

Smart QR codes supports GS1 standards including their latest standard, GS1 Digital Link.

GDPR compliant customer data

All the data captured with Smart QR Codes is fully compliant with GDPR.

Our No Code solution provides you Smart QR Codes easily

3 easy steps to start treating your customers like the individuals they are

Our awesome features
Setup your personalisation experiences

Is your customer near a store or at home? Are they near a specific billboard? Or is there a special time based promotion running? What languages do my customers prefer? Setup your scenarios, add your website URLs and put the smart in Smart QR

Our awesome features
Use Smart QR codes for your products and marketing campaigns

Reach your customers, no matter where they are or what language they speak,. Deliver awesome engaging experiences all using a single QR code.

Our awesome features
Learn from your customers & improve

Check real time analytics and see how engaged your customers are. Update your experiences and website URLs whenever you want to experiment and drive better engagement.

Upgrade your QR codes today!

We'd love to hear about your plans and consult you on how smart QR codes can help!

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